Friday, March 30, 2012

Spring Has Sprung

                      My finch cage has been a hive of activity this week. I think it's the longer, sunnier days that has kicked them into nesting mode.  Also I've been growing some wheat grass for them and it seems to be giving them a little extra energy. They've been lifting the paper from the floor of the cage and flying up to the nest with it-which is no small feat when you're as small as they are. All of them are helping out which is pretty cool considering there is only one potential pair in there.  We have one three year old
Bengalese(Society) finch male, three one year olds (hatched here last March), one Indigo bird(I've had him since October 2011) and my latest little fellow- a beautful Owl finch who I brought home from Montreal in early March.  Sadly I lost both parents of the one year old finches early this year. They were both old and passed away within a month of each other.

The bird room is also buzzing at the moment.  All of my English budgies(four pairs) are on eggs.  I don't know if anything will come from them as two pairs are first time egg layers and even with experienced parents sometimes the eggs aren't viable. It's a waiting game for sure.

I'm still experimenting with spouts, herbs and different ways of making birdie treats.

Next week I'll start posting more regularly again.  I'll be posting a couple of videos on my you tube channel -heartsongaviary -  today.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Funny Budgie

To see a real sweet ,clever little chatty budgie(not mine but adorable just the same) go to and put snoogly in the search box.  Here you will meet Sven the budgie. He's awesome and I've been watching him since before I had any budgies of my own.  Be prepared to laugh :o)

Wheatberry Sprouts

I've been sprouting all kinds of things lately. Some for the birds, some for the people. Here is the wheatgrass. To see Pip and Ozzie munching on it go to and put heartsongaviary in the search box.