Monday, September 27, 2010


Stuart and Sunshine have three eggs in the nest. This will be their first clutch. I realise that sometimes things don't go smoothly the first time around so I won't count my budgies ...just yet.
English Budgies have their nest boxes. They are still suspicious of them though. "What the heck...??" They should soon get the idea.
The lovebirds are also working on their nest. They are experienced though as this will be their third time at parenting. They are really sweet and gentle birds and make really nice babies. I'm still hoping for a chick that looks like the mother - dilute yellow with a baby blue rump. It is a really beautiful colour. Right now the pale yellow on mommy LB's face is grubby looking as she's tearing up newspapers. She needs a bath.
Ozzie has expanded his vocabulary and is now saying "good boy" and "sweet baby" as well as "good budgie" It's so cute and really amazing to hear such a voice on a little fellow who's head is hardly bigger than a grape.

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