Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Happy New Year

Wow, 2013

It's been a while since I posted.  Life is great here with the birds. The holidays were super busy. I have a large(people) family as well as a large birdie family.  We had lots of visitors to see us and to some to see the birds. Some babies have been adopted and I have some budgie and lovebird babies ready for new homes.
I'm very excited about the upcoming year. I have some great ideas for bird food-very healthy bird food -and will be looking into developing those.
I'm also super excited about my budgies-training ideas that is.
 I found out how trainable they actually are when I had a larger number of them to feed than usual.  I was able to teach them to sit in a row on a perch and wait their turn to be fed. Now, if you've ever seen hand fed budgies waiting for their feeding you'll know how chaotic it can be. Before they are able to fly it's not tooooo crazy but once they can...oh boy. Let's just say that their table manners leave much to be desired. Each one wants to be fed first,and lots. They will try to jump on the syringe, my hand, each other...it's very funny. So when I got them to sit nicely and patiently wait for their turn it was wonderful. It only took a couple of feeding times for them to catch on... at just a little over a month old!  A few of them started to come out of their cage and fly directly to the perch  and wait. They are awesome.

Now that the holidays are over and we are back on track . I'll be looking for forever homes for these fellows. I have Two English/standard cross budgies,one full English budgie, two green normal/standard  budgies and three lovely peach-faced lovebirds.  Three budgies and one lovie have been adopted already.
I'll also be putting up more videos on my You Tube channel(heartsongaviary) in the near future. I really enjoy that.

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